last month attended Windows Server 2008 workshop, so i have one set of the Windows Server 2008 Enterprise 32-Bit beta3 kit(CD) Expires April 7, 2008.
anyone have interested to get this CD i can post to them, but need you to paid for the post.
windows2008 can complete setup the OS between 9 minute, is really very fast. hi hi, but after setup the OS, you need to manually configure the setting.
As what i know, wondwoss2008 code name know as longhorn...then have 2 version of the installation, you can choice server code mode or normal mode. server code mode is no any user interface, so you need to do all setting in command prompt (hi hi, you will look like linux expert)
any how server core is not included .net framework so all the UI u have see os from legacy windwos95.
anyway a lot security feature is enhance in windows2008, example NAP.
Microsoft web sites have provide so free online tutorial, i have register one as the free e-book. if you have interested you can go to get one from there and start your own testing.
have fun!!!