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Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Batch file to keep track enumsites with date :D
SET D2=%date:~4,-8%
SET D3=%date:~-7,-5%
set tarik=%D1%%D2%%D3%
echo %tarik%
"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN\stsadm" -o enumsites -url > %tarik%.csv
This report will run at scheduled tasks and the purpose is keep track on the sites in which Database , when user need to restore the sites then we only know which DB need to restore back for the sites.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Site Collection Administrator VS Site Owner
hi of the question ask by interviewer :D . as i understand is about the recycle bin and quota reach limit contact!! After that i found the answer here :
About twice a week someone calls or writes into support trying to figure out why their Site Owners cannot reset passwords, manage the recycle bin, or "see everything" in site settings. The answer is pretty easy – you have to be a Site Collection Administrator to be able to perform those actions. The next question we get from Site Owners is "how do I become a Site Collection Administrator?" The answer is easy enough, find out who your current Site Collection Administrator is and ask that individual to promote you to that role. Here's a short tutorial on how to create new Site Collection Administrator.
Take a look at the graphic below (click for full version). It displays the different views if you will see if you log into the Site Settings portion of your WSS 3.0 site as a member of the site owner's group and then as a Site Collection Administrator. Hint – the Site Collection Administrator's view is the top image. You can easily replicate this for yourself if you want to test it out – just create a test user that is a member of the Site Owners (or similar) SharePoint security group and go to the site settings page.
Extra this are at site setting :D [all the time our permission is Farm admin , then will never notice about this!! ha ha] Now you know? :D
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
How to confirm your update item is going to do incremental crawl or not ?
Search problem for the sub sites… unable to get any error from iis, uls log.
so we need go to search database to see can get any information.
in this case is we want to see the specify sites after i add the item in , this item going to involved in incremental crawl or not.
normally we can see the item at MSSChangeLogCookies table before the incremental crawl start.
- Run this query: select * from dbo.MSSChangeLogCookies order by UpdateTime desc > you will see all the item change going to crawl
This table keeps track of the last change that the crawler processed for each content database. You'll want to look at the ChangeLogCookie_new column and you'll see several rows but the output of each will look something like this:
The GUID 1b82082a-66eb-47bb-a053-26dde844f5ac is the content database id
i already have the Database ID on the sites (go to your content DB , check the database information table will know) , so i will search the results and see my database id is available on the MSSChangeLogCookies.
if you want see how many crawl from the content DB you check, you can use below query on the targert content db:
select * from eventcache with (NOLOCK) where ID > '’7403'
so the total row is the item goign to crawl
yeah !! found the item…so go to run the incremental crawl now…but after run also not working!!! ha ha ha…continue checking….DAY 5
here you go for more detail on the .MSSChangeLogCookies : > Chinese version
Monday, November 1, 2010
Crawling history from SSP search DB ( SQL Query)
Copy from MS:
select * from MSSCrawlhistory
select h.crawlid,
case h.crawltype
when 1 then 'full crawl'
when 2 then 'incremental crawl'
h.status as status_id,
case h.status
when 4 then 'start'
when 9 then 'pause'
when 10 then 'resume'
when 13 then 'stop'
when 11 then 'done'
else 'other'
h.requesttime, h.starttime, h.endtime, datediff(n, h.starttime, h.endtime) as 'duration'
from msscrawlhistory h left join msscrawlcontent c
on h.crawlid=c.crawlid where h.projectid=1 order by h.requesttime desc