this site look like not so helpful for me to export the list ...
i prefer this more detail site explanation :
(This is my better version of the TechNet articles on the same CMDlet that does a poor job with the details, I hope that it will help some of you)
SharePoint 2010 | SharePoint 2013
SharePoint 2010 | SharePoint 2013
Applies to: SharePoint Foundation 2010 | SharePoint Server 2010 | SharePoint Foundation 2013 | SharePoint Server 2013
Exports a site, list, or library.
Export-SPWeb [-Identity] -Path [-AssignmentCollection ] [-CompressionSize ] [-Confirm []] [-Force ] [-HaltOnError ] [-HaltOnWarning ] [-IncludeUserSecurity ] [-IncludeVersions ] [-ItemUrl ] [-NoFileCompression ] [-NoLogFile ] [-UseSqlSnapshot ] [-WhatIf []]
Export-SPWeb [-Identity]
Export-SPWeb http://site –Path "c:\temp\site export.cmp" -ItemURL "/subsite/documents"
This example exports the document library at http://site/subsite/documents to a new file called ‘
site export.cmp'
in the ‘C:\temp’ directory.