While working on a large migration project (SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013), I had a requirement to script the creation of user MySites for hundreds of users. I knocked this little PowerShell function together to do just that!
You can call the function like this (for a single user):
Or call it like this, for a batch of users:
Function Create-MySite { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,Position=2,valueFromPipeline=$true)][String]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,Position=1)][String]$MySiteRootURL ) [void][reflection.assembly]::Loadwithpartialname("Microsoft.Office.Server"); $site=new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($MySiteRootURL); try { $serviceContext = Get-SPServiceContext $site; $upm = new-object Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileManager($serviceContext); if($upm.UserExists($Username) -eq $false) { Write-Host "User $Username was not found in the profile store." -f yellow; return; } $userProfile = $upm.GetUserProfile($Username); if($userProfile.PersonalSite -eq $Null) { Write-Host "Creating MySite for user $Username" -f darkyellow; $userProfile.CreatePersonalSite(); Write-host "Successfully created MySite for user $Username" -f green; } else { Write-Host "User $Username already has a MySite." -f darkgreen; } } catch { Write-Host "Encountered an error creating a MySite for user $Username. Error:"$_.Exception -f Red; } finally { $site.Dispose(); } }
You can call the function like this (for a single user):
#Example - Create a MySite for user "tonyj" Create-MySite -MySiteRootURL "http://mysite.bigintranet.com.au" -Username "tonyj"
Or call it like this, for a batch of users:
#To Create for an array of users $users = @('tonyj','bobh','markf','billd') $users | Foreach {Create-MySite -MySiteRootURL "http://mysite.bigintranet.com.au" -username $_}
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